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Workflows allow approval sequences with conditions for invoices, requiring specific users or groups to review and approve based on rules

Written by Komran
Updated over a week ago

Please Note: This feature is currently in private beta. If you would like access to Workflows, please contact [email protected]

Workflows allow you to assign a certain set of users to review the invoice before assigning the next set of users. You can also add conditions before certain groups of users.

For example, suppose you want either Alice or Jim to approve an invoice before it goes to Jennifer for review. Once Jennifer approves it, send the invoice to Andrew for review if the amount exceeds $10,000. Otherwise, approve the invoice.

This type of approval flow is possible with Workflows.

Getting Started

To create a workflow you must be an admin.

Go to Settings > Workflows > and click the + Workflow button

Workflow Name

Workflows have names. Give your workflow a descriptive name that explains it's purpose or scope.

Workflow Icon

Workflows have icons. Icons allow you to distinguish the workflow a little more, and gives them some flair!


Workflows currently require at least one condition.

There are five types of conditions:

  • Project

  • Is Over Budget

  • Amount

  • Vendor

  • Cost Code

When you add conditions together, all of the conditions must be true for the workflow to continue. For example if you have a workflow that looks like this:

  • If Project is one of "Winterville, NC"

  • & Amount is greater than $10,000

  • Require any approval from: Komran Rashidov, Stephanie Domingue

The invoice must be on the Winterville, NC project AND the amount must be greater than $10,000 for the workflow to continue.

It is recommended that your first condition be Project. This will allow you to scope your workflows to a set of projects. Otherwise your workflow will be globally scoped and will apply to all invoices.


Approvals have two types of requirements:

  • Require all

  • Require any

Require all means that everyone in that group of reviewers is required to approve the invoice before it moves on to the next condition or approval.

Require any means at least one person in that group must approve the invoice. If there is a dispute before someone approves it, that will block the workflow from continuing on to the next condition or approval.

How do workflows get triggered?

Workflows are triggered whenever there is a review created for a user. If that user belongs to the first approval group, it will create a review for anyone else in that approval group. For example, in the following workflow:

  • If Project is one of "Winterville, NC"

  • & Amount is greater than $10,000

  • Require any approval from: Komran Rashidov, Stephanie Domingue

  • Require any approval from: Amber Marie

The workflow won't automatically create reviews for users until a review is manually initiated for someone in the first approval group. For example, if a review is created for Komran or Stephanie, the workflow will then trigger.

Additionally, if either Komran or Stephanie approves the invoice, this action also triggers the workflow. This is because when a user approves an invoice, they are effectively creating a review for themselves, which is enough to start the workflow as long as they're in the first approval group.

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